Brown Marmorated
Stink Bug (BMSB)
Season 2022/23
With the 2022/23 BMSB Season fast approaching, the importers planning to export vehicles, machinery and parts on or after 1 September 2022 from a schedule 3 country should prepare to comply with the BMSB Standards which will come into force on 1 September 2022.
Vehicles, Machinery and Parts (VMP)
The Ministry for Primary industries (MPI) have notified that there are no changes to BMSB requirements in the Vehicles, Machinery and Parts(VMP) Import Health Standard in this season.
New and used targeted VMP cargo exported as Sea freight from the below BMSB-risk countries during the BMSB-risk season must comply with the standards.
List of BMSB-risk counties:
- Albania
- Bosnia
- France
- Japan
- Netherlands
- Slovakia
- Andorra
- Bosna/Herzegovina
- Georgia
- Kosovo
- Poland
- Spain
- Armenia
- Bulgaria
- Germany
- Liechtenstein
- Portugal
- Switzerland
- Austria
- Canada
- Greece
- Luxemburg
- Romania
- Turkey
- Azerbaijan
- Croatia
- Hungary
- Macedonia
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Belgium
- Czech Republic
- Italy
- Moldova
- Serbia
Cargo that hasn’t been BMSB treated before arrival in NZ, and is not covered by possible Exemptions WILL NOT be permitted to be discharged in NZ.
Possible Exemptions:
- If a New Goods Manufacturer’s declaration can be provided. (copy attached)
The manufacturers declaration confirms the cargo is new and was produced indoors and stored indoors prior to export. If cargo is not new or stored indoors, it will need to be treated for BMSB by either fumigation or heat treatment.
- Goods excluded from BMSB treatment as Part B of VMP standard: Specific Commodity Definitions and Exclusions
Sea Container Standards (SEACO)
The Sea Containers from All Countries Import Health Standard (IHS) has been consulted on and amended to better manage BMSB risk, we will provided confirmation of the changes when published by MPI.
The proposed changes include:
- changes to wording, layout, and ordering of the requirements for clarity
- the inclusion of trans-shipping requirements in general biosecurity requirements
- removing the expiration date from the Italian brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) requirements, making them permanent for future BMSB seasons (1 September to 30 April of a given year)
- the inclusion of the sensitive goods list as a schedule.
ALL sea containers and their cargo that depart from Italy require off-shore treatment.
Cargo that hasn’t been BMSB treated before arrival in NZ, and is not covered by possible Exemptions sensitive goods list WILL NOT be permitted to be discharged in NZ.
- The sensitive goods list is in Schedule 3 of SEACO standard (attached).
MPI must receive approval prior to the arrival, and cargo will be inspected by MPI instead of (fumigation or heat) treatment.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Rohlig Account Manager or Customer Service Representative.